David is not talking about mourning specifically here, but the general principle applies. I cannot think of a time in my life where I've been more brokenhearted the day my son passed away. I was surrounded by family and church family through those hours. My wife and I struggled for weeks and months just to get out of bed. Yes, broken...hearted. Then there is that crushed word. Again, yes, our spirits were crushed, and by sheer will power alone, we got through each day, having to "get things done." I know you know what I mean if you lost someone close.
The best part of this verse is that the Lord is near us in this time. I don't think I'm too odd in this, but I felt far from God and still feel that some after a year. Our hearts are broken and our spirits are crushed. Those do not sound like problems we can fix with an aspirin. It takes time (growing tired of hearing that too, I get it).
So, our Lord God is close to us. That is comforting. When my emotions and grief are weighing me down and fogging my vision... the Lord is near. He understands. Remember, when Jesus was on the cross, burdened with our sins and the sun stopped shining, God's only son hug there for us (when we didn't deserve it). The "Light of the World" was in darkness. I think God knows my pain. Even though he knew that he'd raise Jesus again, I think he felt the grief for his son and the burden of sin on him. Yes, I think he knows.
Another verse that helps me know that God is prepared to hear from us in prayer, even when the words won't come is in Romans 8:26&27 which says: In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
The Spirit, the Comforter, intercedes with groanings too deep for words. We've been there, haven't we?
Death and dying are part of life and people everyday go through this process. This is a true statement, but our own grief seems deeply personal, making us feel alone in it. God knows and draws near and the Spirit intercedes for us. Our heavenly grief support group is always there, always on duty, always drawing near.
God Bless!
I see where you're coming from. Thanks for sharing!!